Furniture Hire
Should you require Stand Furniture for hire please contact directly
Mr. Martin Higgins 00353 (0) 45 526300 Email:
Audio Visual Services
Exhibitors requiring services such as stand audio, video screens etc please contact directly:
Mr. Frankie McDonald 00 353 (0)87 2551979 Email:
Compressed Air
Should you require Compressed Air, please complete the Booking Form included in the CV Workshop EXPO manual.
Please submit the form by the designated date.
Electricial Services
Should you require 3 Phase Electricity please complete the Booking Form included in the CV Workshop EXPO manual.
Please submit the form by the designated date.
Exhibitor Badges
All exhibitors must wear exhibitor badges.
It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to provide the Names / Job Description of all staff working on their stand to
Trevor Nally ( by September 20th 2024.
The Exhibition Centre has WIFI access for over 2,000 simultaneous users.
Other Facilities
The coffee shop/ restaurant located in the exhibition centre will be open for the entirety of the show.
A trained First Aid professional will be on duty for the duration of the opening hours of the CV Workshop EXPO.